
Email account forwarders


Our forwarding system does not store emails on the server by default. However, if you would like to set up a forwarding address that also keeps a copy of inbound email, please follow these instructions:

  1. Using the Email Accounts section in cPanel, create an email account. (cPanel » Home » Email » Email Accounts).
  2. Using the Email Filters tool in cPanel, create an email filter.
  • To send to a specific destination address, configure the Redirect to email action.
  • Set the INBOX folder as the delivery destination in the Deliver to folder action.

All of the email addresses that employ a forwarder to direct email to another address or service are included in the Email Account Forwarders table.

  • For expedited location of a particular email address, input a keyword into the search text box and select Go.
  • To view the forwarding route of an email, click on Trace in the Functions column next to the email address in question.
If your server uses a third-party mail service like MailScanner, the Trace feature may produce inaccurate results. In case of issues when using this feature, it is recommended to contact your hosting provider to obtain more information regarding your server's configuration.
  • Click Delete next to the forwarder's email address, and then click Delete Forwarder again to ensure deletion.
  • Click Delete next to the email address you want to modify the forwarder for, and then click Delete Forwarder again to confirm. then adhere to the directions in the section below under "Add Account Forwarder."
  • When an email account and a forwarder share the same email address, both will receive emails sent to that address.
  • To stop receiving email at an email account that shares an address with a forwarder, delete the email account. This will ensure that only the forwarder will receive emails sent to that address.
  • Modification of an existing email forwarder is not possible. To alter the forwarding behavior for an email address, you must delete the current email forwarder and create a new one with the desired forwarding settings.

Add account forwarder

To set up a mail forwarder, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the "Managing" menu and choose the domain for which you wish to forward emails.
  2. Access the "Create an Email Account Forwarder" menu and click on "Add Forwarder" to open the "Add a New Forwarder" interface.
  3. Within the "Add a New Forwarder" interface, input the email address username that you intend to forward.


When setting up email forwarding, remember that your email username refers to the portion of your email address that precedes the domain name. For instance, if you wish to forward emails from [email protected] to [email protected], specify "purchases" in the "Address to forward" text box. Avoid including the "@" symbol.

       4. Go to the "Domain" menu and choose the domain that corresponds to the email address you wish to forward.

       5. Choose one of the following options from the "Destination" menu:

Setting Description
Forward to Email Address

The incoming email will be forwarded to either a single or multiple accounts. In the text box, enter the destination email addresses separated by commas. For instance, if you want to forward emails from [email protected] to both [email protected] and [email protected], input [email protected], [email protected] in the text box.


Please be aware that forwarded email accounts retain a copy of the emails that they forward. If you have access to both the forwarding email and the destination email, you can view the forwarded email in both locations.

Discard and send an error to the sender (at SMTP time).

The incoming email will be discarded, and the sender will receive a failure message from the system. By default, the failure message is set to "No such person at this address." However, you can input a custom failure message in the "Failure Message (seen by sender)" text box.

       6. To access the following options, click on "Advanced Options":

Setting Description
Forward to a system account

Choose this option to forward incoming email to a system user email account. To set this up, input the system user name in the designated text box.

Discard (Not Recommended)

Select this option to discard emails without sending a failure message. In this case, the emails sent to the original address will not be forwarded. Unlike the "Discard and send an error to the sender (at SMTP time)" option, the user will not receive any failure messages.

Pipe to a Program

Choose this option to redirect incoming emails to a program via piping. In the designated text box, input the relative path of the program in your home directory. For instance, if the script requires an interpreter such as Perl or PHP, exclude the "/usr/bin/perl" or "/usr/bin/php" segment of the path.

       7. Click Add Forwarder.

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