How to Manually Renew AutoSSL Certificates

SSL certificates are issued and renewed by AutoSSL. When a certificate from cPanel, L.L.C. expires within 15 days, AutoSSL tries to renew it. When the provided certificates from Let's Encrypt expire after 29 days, AutoSSL tries to renew them. Prior to the subsequent automated run, certificates can also be renewed manually.

For one cPanel user's certificate to be manually renewed:

  • Open cPanel and log in as the user.
  • Go to the SSL/TLS Status page on cPanel by selecting cPanel » Security » SSL/TLS Status.
  • Choosing Run AutoSSL.

Manually renewing a certificate just before revocation

  • Open cPanel and log in as the user.
  • Go to the Manage SSL Sites section of cPanel by selecting cPanel » Security » SSL/TLS » Manage SSL Sites.
  • Remove the problematic certificate.
  • Go to the SSL/TLS Status page on cPanel by selecting cPanel » Security » SSL/TLS Status.
  • Choosing Run AutoSSL.



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